Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how A2Z Gourmet Popcorn (“we”, “us”, or “our”) collects, uses, and shares information when you use our website or interact with us.

Information We Collect

  • Personal Information: When you place an order or register for an account, we may collect certain personal information such as your name, email address, shipping address, and payment information.
  • Usage Information: We may also collect information about how you use our website, such as the pages you visit, the links you click, and the duration of your visit.
  • Device Information: We may collect information about the device you use to access our website, including your IP address, browser type, and operating system.

How We Use Your Information

  • We use the information we collect to process orders, communicate with you, and provide customer support.
  • We may also use your information to improve our website, personalize your experience, and analyze trends and user preferences.

Information Sharing

  • We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except as required by law or as necessary to fulfill your order.

Data Security

  • We take reasonable measures to protect the security of your personal information and to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration.

Your Choices

  • You may choose not to provide certain personal information, but this may limit your ability to use certain features of our website.

Changes to This Policy

  • We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and the updated policy will be effective immediately upon posting.

Contact Us

  • If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at [email protected].

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